Sunday 8 September 2013



Lost Love Spells:-
Lost Love Spell or Spells are used or performed, if you have lost your love and all the efforts that you have tried have failed and there is no way that you can get your love back. Lost love spell will bring your love back to you unconditionally. Also if your love is with some one else then by the power of this spell your love will break his or her relation and will be with you.

Attraction Spell:-
Dramatically improve your “curb” appeal. This spell brings your inner beauty to the surface, allowing others to see your sex appeal, your intriguing personality, your beautiful qualities. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but when stares and compliments come your way, your self-confidence will soar, and you will feel on top of the world. And well you should be because you are a very special person.
Keep your love true to You

If you believe that your lover has a roving eye, then this spell will stop others from seeming attractive to them. At the same time, they will feel a strong emotional and loving bond with you. This of course will ensure that you stay together for as long as you wish

Find Your True Soul Mate
Is your heart broken? Are you fed up with being let down, cheated on or used? This spell is designed to help you meet your soul mate and the person with whom you will spend the rest of your life. For once, you will find this person without the aid of dating agencies, Internet websites or blind dates. If you are looking for a certain type of person who you can love and trust for ever then this spell is for you.

Turn Your Friend into Your Lover
Do you have a close friend, who you are secretly attracted to? Perhaps you would like this friend to become a little bit more than just that. This spell has been specially prepared and designed to create changes in you that will make your friend look at you in a different way. They will begin see you as very desirable and attractive. Over a period of weeks you will become closer and closer as the love begins to grow between you both.

Divorce Spells:-
Divorce Spells should be used in extreme cases for example if your husband has disturbed you a lot and you are tired of his tortures, you need a divorce but he is not giving you and thus your life had become miserable in such cased you may go for these powerful Spells can also be used to prevent a divorce, if there are people who are not happy with your happy family life and are trying different ways to separate you and so are insisting on a divorce then these divorce spells should be used to protect you from all such evil people so that you may have a very happy and secured married life.

Marriage Spells:-
Marriage Spells are supposed to be very strong and affective Marriage Spells are supposed to be very strong and affective. If you are in a relation and your lover is not committing or is taking time to decide if she or she or she wants to get married to you or not then these very strong marriage spells are used by which your love will marry you and you will be having a very strong and happy married life.

 Fertility spells/Pregnancy spell:-
Are often used by women’s who want to start her own family. But due to unknown problems she is not able to conceive and some time they may also be scared at the time of pregnancy thinking about the baby, fertility spell or pregnancy spells should be used for the above reasons so that they may have a safe pregnancy and without any problems or complications. Also fertility spells should be used to prevent Miscarriages.

Banish a Past Lover Magic Spell:-
If you’ve ended a relationship with someone and they just won’t accept that it’s over, if they keep calling you, writing to you, or even worse, if they keep coming over, then this might be just the spell you’ve been looking for! Within a day or two of casting this spell most people notice an inner feeling like a huge sigh of relief! Then, the past lover begins to attempt contact less and less often, and what usually happens next is other people will begin to get involved in the situation in such a way that the past lovers attention is diverted away from you and they have someone or something else to focus their energy on!
Do not wait if you have questions to ask or problems –

You No Need To Worry About Your Matter . maulanaji Will Surely Help You .
Call +91-9680429998

Black Magic Problems Solutions !!!! Black Magic Removal in Australia, Uk, Usa, Canada, Dubai, Malaysia, Singapore, London, Sydney, New York, Toronto, Los Angeles Ottawa

Black Magic is as Old as our civilization is.Black Magic has basically been defined in two different ways:A)It is a bunch of Negative Energy that a person flows in the body of other and this ways it hurts or make another person anxious and sometimes he dies too.B)Some Said that the Magician worship their Evil God and on request that God or his juniors does the job.
I personally had many reviews and meetings with Tantrik’s and Saint’s and i got to know that the second definition is more relevant.Magicians worship their Evil God and after making him happy and settled they ask him to do whatever they wish.Black Magic is all about getting a person’s desired work done by creating problem for other person.Black Magic is not a solution to the problem but is an other problem for solution.

We Also Provide Astrology Service Worldwide Uk, Usa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia,Dubai, Uae, Hongkong, Singapore, Kuwait, Doha, Qatar,Germany, France, Denmark,Spain, Italy, London,Kent, Southall, New York, Sydney, Melbourne, New Jersey, California, Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, San Diego, Boston, Virginia,Washington

64 Type of  Black Magic ( Kala Jadu )

Following are the types.
1. separation between husband and wife. with this he can break a home and destroy somebody’s married happy life.
2. Wife hating her husband upon seeing his face. in this type of magic, when a wife looks at her husband she feels angry and thus they both live a miserable life.
3. having a headache all the time. this too is a sign of magic and the victim feels pain in the head all the time.
4. having throat infection all the time. one feels pain and cant speak, the voice seems to have stopped in the throat.
5. difficulty in breathing. it is a type of sifly magic. one cant breath easily. he feels suffocation.
6. making someone deaf. he cant hear things. and he feels pain in his ears.
7. women get periods before the proper time and she cant get close to her husband. this too is done through magic.
8. pain in the entire body. there is pain in the whole body and sometimes its too much in both the legs or in the backbone. one feels its weakness but its magic.
9. making someone blind. a magician can make one blind with magic and his sight is lost.
10. pain in the teeth and decay in the teeth and blood from the teeth. this too is done with magic.
11. making the heart beat faster than it should be. the heart beat is made faster with magic. one feels its some disease but its not.
12. one remains sick all the time. having fever. and remains weak.
13. head spinning. it too is done through magic. one is made dizzy.
14. one loses his memory. he cant remember anything for long.
15. the brain does not work properly. one wants to do one thing and something else is done. his brain does not work properly.
16. one does not feel like doing anything. his heart wants to run away from things. he does not take interest in his work.
17. making astray. someone is made astray and derailed.
18. making one habitual of smoking cigarette and hash.
19. making one habitual of drinking.
20. making one long for having sex. or making one enter into prostitution.
21. making one hate religion, and the holy book and the creator.
22. making one dreamless.
23. making a woman a prostitute.
24. giving stomach aches.
25. giving acidity and pain in the chest.

26. creating problem in the liver. Liver is an important organ in the human body, so some people when they want to destroy someone will cast spells on that victim to harm his liver.
27. The wife sees the husband’s face as swine or a dog, he appears to her as a swine or a dog. This too is done with the help of magic to create problems in someone’s life.
28. Making a man gay. A man cannot get physically involved with anyone when this spell is cast upon him because he becomes useless.
29. Magic using voodoo dolls. This too is a very harmful form of magic. And the victims doll is made and pins are stick into it and the spell is cast upon it.
30. Children weaken and die. In this type of magic, the child becomes severly weak and then his condition deteriorates day by day and then eventually dies.
31. A woman loses her child during pregnancy. The child is killed inside the womb befor he is born. This too can be done using black magic.
32. Making the cattle sick using magic. Magic on animals.
33. The animals don’t give milk and remain sick. This too is done using black magic.
34. Men start hating women. A husband is made to hate his wife.
35. Girls don’t get proposals anymore. In this type of magic, the girl that this magic is cast upon, does not get any proposals for marriage.
36. Pain in the bones and joints. Arthritis.
37. a woman is made to hate men and she does not feel like getting close to them, as in sex with her husband, she does not like it.
38. Making the face look ugly. A woman is made to look ugly and people think she looks like a whitch.
39. Making a woman infertile. In this magic a woman is made infertile and she cant have any children.
40. Making the rizq/earnings less. A person is financially made weak.
41. Destroying someone’s home. Disturbing the peace of somebody’s home and leaving it all destroyed and messed up.

42. making someone suffer from an incurable disease.
43. disgracing a woman in her husband’s eyes.
44. Making a husband suspect his wife. This creates problems in their life.
45. Snatching someone’s job or disgracing him and lowering his position.
46. Getting a woman divorced.
47. Making the rich into poor. A rich person’s riches are taken away with black magic.
48. making someone live in exile.
49. Making someone full of anger. With this magic a person remains angry all the time.
50. women feel pain in ribs and chest.
51. OKDAM zikar, it is that type of magic which when going to someone’s home for a proposal, it is cast upon them and the girl’s family then keep talking about the boy’s family for months.
52. making someone fall in love.
53. putting fear of the unknown in someone’s heart.
54.Khamol magic. Making someone weak and lazy. That he doesn’t feel like doing anything.
55. MIRGI fits. Epilepsy. A person is made to suffer Epilepsy.
56. magic with which a person is made to suffer LAQWA. Bell’s palsy.
57. Seher AL MAFLOJ, paralysis. A person is made paralyzed, either in some parts of the body or all over.
58. Seher Kabos. One feels sleepy all the time.
59. head spinning and feeling dizzy and blackout in front of the eyes.
60. Stopping nikkah for someone. Bandish of nikkah. It is cast right at the time of nikkah.
61. Surat anzal. A man is faced with this problem and he does not get cured.
62. Periods are stopped, menopause even before its time.
63. Magic of insanity. A person is made completely insane. He does not remain in his senses.
64. masan is that type of magic which is cast upon kids. In this type of magic, the ash left from the burnt hindu dead bodies is put in some food for kids to eat.
Remember me in your prayers

All Black Magic Solution are done through  Muslim Sadhana ( Highest form of worship of muslim & Shakti )

Contact No +91-9680429998


Love marriage specialist maulana ji is well known name in the field of love marriage, if your love marriage is in problem and you not getting way to solve the problem for that Love marriage specialist  is there to help you out in solving your problem. In India Marriages is said to be combination of two person base upon their  love, fondness, loyalty as well as magnetism. At the same time in other part of world  where most marriages are measured  to be ‘BASED IN LOVE,’ the expression have significance in another place to indicate a concept of love marriage which differs from the norms of arranged marriage and force marriage.

Love marriage specialist gives the solution for following:-

Love marriage specialist help out other to marry their love.
Love marriage specialist gives technique to make your parents or your partner's parents agree for marriage.
Love marriage specialist gives mantra to marry your Ex.
Love marriage specialist help to get back love in married life.
Love marriage specialist gives mantra so that you can make your lover’s dream come true
Love marriage specialist when you can’t live a happy, Peaceful and satisfied married life.
Love marriage specialist solves problem by the help of astrology.
Love marriage specialist give advice how to make your partners parents happy .
Love marriage specialist changes the attitude of your lover.
Love marriage specialist for inter- cast relationship.
Love marriage specialist solve your problem related to Kundli matching with lover.
Not only above problem  there can be number of problem in one’s married life but you need to look for the best person who can solve your marriage and love problem in less time love marriage specialist is there to help you.

Love marriage specialist solved issue related to love marriage and dispute in love married life by mantra and love spell. To make your married life peaceful you just need to follow the instruction of Love marriage specialist maulana ji and follow the technique given by Love marriage specialist with positive attitude. Love marriage specialist maulana ji is world famous in Love marriage solution and he knows which technique will be best suitable for client. So don’t waste time in thinking and getting stress, make a call to maulana ji to get the detail on Love marriage specialist solution techniques.

Love Marriage Problems Soluton here muslim Siddhi Sadhana ( Highest form of worship of muslim & Shakti)
Call on +919680429998

Vashikaran Mantra For Black Magic For Girl-Boy, Black Magic Specialist In Delhi, Mumbai, Banglore, Lucknow, Noida, Kerala, Jaipur, Nashik, Pune,

Black Magic , is a Magic that is performed for the benefit of self or the whole mass . Black Magic or in Hindu (Hinduism) also known as Kaala Jaadu and the process are known as Jaadu Tona or Tona Totka .
The Black Magic , is a Magic with no colors , it is not some kind of magic that is appreciated , but it is an extreme part of Astrology , just like Vashikaran it is used mainly for Good Luck , Life , to attract love , to get back love by Black Magic . Black Magic , is also used by some people for bad reasons , and people can do Black Magic over you , but their are other ways to detect the Black Magic Cure of Black Magic and the process of removing Black Magic is also true , Black Magic can also be reversed by Black Magic Specialist .
 Black Magic is as Old as our civilization is.Black Magic has basically been defined in two different ways:A)It is a bunch of Negative Energy that a person flows in the body of other and this ways it hurts or make another person anxious and sometimes he dies too.B)Some Said that the Magician worship their Evil God and on request that God or his juniors does the job

If you face any of these symptoms EVERY DAY then you are also suffering from black magic.

1) If someone sees motion or urine in his dream or see himself in bathroom or with the motion attached to his body, see himself/herself in unhygienic condition.
2) Headache.
3) The whole body is in pain.
4) The one wishes or wants to have sex.
5) Back-ache or has pain in kidneys
6) Smelly fats.
7) Feels like the body is on fire.
8) The whole body remains hot and so does the mouth.
9) Eyes remain red and feels irritation in eyes.
10) You feel to go to the bathroom after a little while for urine and motion.
11) Fast heat beats.
12) Difficulty in breathing and have chest pain.
13) Become irritant.
14) Face complexion changes and becomes darker day by day. The more worse the magic is the more your complexion will become darker.
15) Feel pain in stomach and you will be having diarrhea like stiuation.
16) Pimples appear on the face.
17) Face becomes terrible no attraction left in the face.
18) Feeling anxiety.
19) Becomes impatient.
20) You have all the happiness in life but still you don’t feel happy.
21) Whatever you eat you feel hungry again in about an hour and a half.
22) You don’t wish to offer prayer and day by day you go away from religion.
23) Always you have throat problem and the voice quality is also affected.
24) Get scared in dreams. sometimes sees snakes, spiders, lizards, and cockroaches in dream.
25) You have fear in your heart.
26) Feels like some one injecting pins in body.
27) Get pain in stomach and feel nausea.
28) Become lazy and sleep for longer durations.
29) You forget where you put things and spend rest of the day in finding. in money transactions give more money.
30) Starts hating your self.
31 Seeing blue or pink dots or seeing funny lines
32 Feeling tired without any reason
33 By reading or hearing the quran do you get pain in your body
34 Feeling sick and hot
35 Always having a erection
36 Twitching of body parts and soreness of muscles
37 Hands and feet turn swollen
38 Spots on the head
39 Strong smell in your urine
40 When you cook a lot does a bad smell come
41 Body feels cold
42 Pain in the feet
43 Seeing dogs and dead people as well as ants in your dream
44 Going skinny day by day
45 Taking medicine which works at the beginning then starts giving you more problems
46 Seeing a women and man having sex meaning a wet dream
47 Body head and shoulders feeling heavy
48 Getting marks on your body
49 Body feels weak for no reason
50 Feeling dizzy and blacked out
51 Getting red spots on the body
52 on hearing the azan you run away and you hate the azan

Different types of magic has different symptoms but the one I wrote before are also present. Now this is upon the magician what sort of pain he wants to give to the victim.

For example if magician wants to make some girl disrespectful in society and wants to make her parents ashamed in society. Then he will do that kind of magic that increases her sex appeal and then starts controlling her mind with his magic.
He will do such magic that makes her heart willing to do sex.
He will make her body hot so that she becomes hot.
He will do such magic that makes her stop thinking then do this that she will be away from offering
Prayers and quran because offering prayers and reciting quran breaks magic.
This is the magic of sex this is mainly done because off jealouse
In this kind of situation the girls mind stops working the only thought she has in mind is having sex and she doesn’t know what is happening with her she always thinks about this and atlast she does this with someone. this is the magic of sex.

All Black Magic Solution Hear thru Muslim Sadhana ( Highest form of worship of Maulvi & Shakti )
Please call on +91-9680429998


Vashikaran Specialist | Black Magic Specialist | Get Your Ex Love Back Specialist in Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Germany, France, Italy, Qatar, Doha, Kuwait, Denmark, Spain,

(Muslim Shadhna Is Highest Form Of  Worship Of  Maulvi & Shakti)

Vashikaran Specialist Vashikaran is a Sanskrit word which means The Technique to Attract. This age old technique can be used to solve problems being faced in marriage, affair, divorce and work. Our Maulanaji is a Tantra Astrologer and specializes in Shatkarmas. The Shatkarmas can be divided into Shantikaran, Vashikaran, Uchatan, Videshan, Stambhan and Maran.

Vashikaran is an Occult Science of Attraction which drives up immense powers with the combination on Mantra and Yantra. It’s a Science which is used to Control the Minds, Thoughts, Feelings, Speech, Action and Behavior of the person. Vashikaran is a Mystical gift bestowed by our Rishis and Sages. It was devised with one Aim i.e. To Attract the one you Desire or to bring your beloved under your control. This Mystical Eastern Art is been used since ages. Our Ancient Scriptures are proof that these esoteric enchantments were used by the Kings and Imperial, Rich and Royal and anyone who desired someone at sometime in their life. In our quest to learn more we found that this occult science was not only resticted to the East, but it also had concrete usage in the West as well.

Vashikaran is an unavowed science to attract and keep hold on the person you desire. Vashikaran determines massive powers with the combination of Mantra and Yantra. Vashikaran puja is a type of spell which helps you to bring the person you love in your life. It helps in attracting and drawing your desired love in your life by vashikaran mantra yantra and tantra.
We Also Provide Astrology Service Worldwide Uk, Usa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia,Dubai, Uae, Hongkong, Singapore, Kuwait, Doha, Qatar,Germany, France, Denmark,Spain, Italy, London,Kent, Southall, New York, Sydney, Melbourne, New Jersey, California, Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, San Diego, Boston, Virginia,Washington

We provide permanent resolution of tantra mantra, black magic, ilmi or Ruhani illusion, voodoo and all astrological, paranormal, occult and metaphysical issues. visit at   Astrologer, psychic healer, traditional healer, voodoo and doll spells,love spell, aghori ji,mantra for love,Get your love back by vashikarann, vashikarann mantras for love, love and astrology, spell and magic, how to get a boyfriend back, magic spell, love spell, to get back your ex, vashikarann, get your love back, get ex back, black magic, mantra,Guide to Astrology, numerology, vashikarann Amulets,Kamakhya Vashi Karan Mantra,Vasikaran Practices India , invisible, supernatural, omnipresent force, education, livelihood, family, business, Traditional, Vedic, Astrology, planets, mantra, gems, medican, daan, snnan, yantras,Traditional, Vedic, Astrology, planets, mantra, gems, medican, daan, snnan, yantrasvashikarann,vashikarann Services, Love Spells,Wicca,Vodoo Magic, Hypnotism is the mode to possess one.


How To Get My Ex Love Back ?
How To Get My Ex ?
How To Control My Husband/Wife ?
How To Control My Girlfriend/Boyfriend ?
How To Get My Husband/Wife Back ?
How To Get My Ex Husband/ Wife ?
How To Get My Ex Girlfriend/Boyfriend Back ?
How To Get My Boyfriend/Girlfriend Back After A Break Up?

How To Get My Husband Back From The other Woman ?How To Get My Wife Back From Other Man ?How I Can Control My Husband By Vashikaran ?How I Can Control My Husband/Wife By Vashikaran/Black Magic ?How To Get Control Your Mother In Laws?How To Get Control Your Daughter In Laws?I Want My Ex Love Back ?I Want My Husband/ Wife Back ?

Do you have disturbance in your life problems and not getting desired results? Here is the solution of all problems like Get your love back by vashikarann, Want to get/win your love back or want to get married with your beloved, Are you in troubles due to black magic i.e. somebody has performed bad deeds for you by way of using tantra-mantra, Problem like Health issues, Spendthrifts, Voyages, Homely violence, Husband/Wife be doubt in illicit relationship, Son/Daughter being out of control, Want to know about your previous births and vice and virtues, Want to know about your previous births, Still, you have no child comfort, Metaphysical or ghost problems etc.
You can use Hypnotism ( vashikarann ) for fulfill your following wishes :
To Get your True love
To Get your lost love back
To Get your love back +919680429998
To attract any Girl/Boy towards you by heart.
To make your or your partner?s parents to Love Marriage
To solve the problems between any Relationship
To Control the mind of husband/wife or a desired person.
To improve professional and personal relationships with others.
Investment Business Cards Investment Opportunities
All Type of Love Spell to get lost love or to get love back
To win favors from others, exert pressure and control over them, and get what you want from them.
To create a good impression on others and create love and affection in their hearts and minds.
You No Need To Worry About Your Matter . MAULANA ji  Will Surely Help You .
You Just Contact MAULANA JI
Maulana ji ( Great Indian Astrologer & Tantrik )
Phone: +91-9680429998